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Calathea Dottie Roseopicta in Black Prayer plant

Calathea Dottie Roseopicta in Black Prayer plant

Regular price $24.99 USD
Regular price $29.99 USD Sale price $24.99 USD
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Calathea Dottie is a study in the simple and stunning. This Calathea has intensely contrasting color patterns. With very dark leaves (almost black) and a bright pink color pattern that runs up the leaf rib vein and around the leaf perimeter.

Like all prayer plants the Dotties leaves move throughout the day following the light. At night they fold up.


The result is a show stopping plant with eye catching appeal and personality.

The Dottie is one of the easier to please Calatheas. So if you have always wanted to try one… This Calathea might be a great choice for you.

This is a Roseoptica Calathea otherwise known as the rose painted Calatheas.

They are all very pretty with rounded large leaves. They grow bushy. And get around a foot and half high and round. They make great statement plants in the proper setting.

Dark leaves with bright pink markings are distinctive on the Dottie.

All the Rose painted Calatheas have brilliant markings with at least some Rose accents.

The Dottie stands alone with a deep burgundy leaf that really sets off the rose markings. The underside of its leaves are also a colorful purple.


Most Calathea plants grow wild in Brasil in the tropical lowland rainforests.

The Dottie may be easier to grow because this is actually a mutation of the Calathea Roseo Picta. It doesn’t live wild. It’s a commercially cultivated houseplant.

However, It will also do well in tropical climates as an outdoor patio plant.


The Dottie has small green flowers that provide a touch of bright contrast to the dark leaves. You may never see the flowers. They don’t grow unless conditions are just right. The flowers are small and easy to miss.

All Calatheas have advantages as house plants. Once you learn how to care for the Dottie she will shine darkly for you year after year.


Calatheas enjoys indirect light for best leaf variegation and optimal growth.

    1. If the leaves fade move the plant to a less bright area and see if that helps.


      1. Too much light can also fade the leaves and crisp the leaf edge.
      2. It will tolerate lower indirect light but the plant may grow more slowly. Leaf variegations may not be well expressed.
      3. Shield the plant from strong direct light in summer south and west sunny windows. The leaves will burn and the colors will fade. Look for dry brown spots on the leaves and curling brown edges. If you see them move the plant to lower light.
      4. Tip: Window sheers or blinds can offset some brief periods of high direct light.


      1. Your Calathea is VERY sensitive to the water you use. These plants love low mineral, soft acid water between 5.5 and 6 Ph. Hard water high in minerals and salts will burn the leaves.
      2. Collect rain water or use Filtered or distilled water to prevent problems with minerals and PH.
      3. Water your Calathea when the soil is dry down an inch or so. Calatheas enjoy even moisture in the soil. But never let it sit in soaking wet potting mix.


        1. Be sure to use your moisture meter every couple of days and especially before watering. The dial should read moist when pushed down to the bottom of the root system. If the meter reads dry you need to water. But if it reads wet WAIT. This is important. Calatheas are sensitive and easily get yellowing leaves and root rot. Do not overwater!
        2. Calathea Dottie enjoys evenly moist soil. However, don't water your plant until your moisture meter tells you the plant is verging on dry in several places in the soil.

        Watering Problems:

        1. If your calathea leaves start to roll up and curl, the plant droops or the edges turn brown suspect watering problems.
        2. Under watering can show all the symptoms listed above and most often causes leaf edges rolling up, brown tips and crisping. Adjust your watering or soil mix to accommodate.
        3. Yellowing leaves can also mean the plant roots are too saturated and are starting to die.


            1. For best practices Try a watering schedule of once a week. But do not water if the soil is wet. Alternately, Do not let the soil dry out completely.
            2. Watering is best done on a regular schedule with a moisture meter check so the plant is not over or under watered. Both can cause stress.
            3. These tropical plants enjoy humidity of 50 to 70%. Use a hygrometer next to your calathea to make sure you have enough humidity for them.
            4. If the soil is compacted, the bottom of the soil can remain wet which encourages, grey mold on the leaves, root rot and Fungus Gnats. If you see yellow leaves or leaf tips you are probably overwatering or Inconsistently watering.
            5. In dormant winter months reduce watering to when the soil is dry down 2 inches when you stick your finger in the soil. For a moisture meter water when the meter says barely dry..

          Humidity Tips:

          1. Calatheas are happy at 50 to 60% humidity. Although they can tolerate higher, do not let it drop under 40%.


            1. IF your calathea has brown crispy tips or edges the humidity is probably too low for it.
            2. I use an inexpensive hygrometer to monitor the room temperature and humidity levels near mine. It is cheap and so helpful!
            3. In dry climates this plant will thrive with a humidifier nearby. Or set it in your kitchen or bathroom.
            4. Frequent misting on a regular daily schedule will help keep humidity up when all else fails. However, misted leaves can be hosting spots for bacteria and fungi.
            5. Set the Calathea plant on a pebble tray with water not touching the pot bottom for added humidity as necessary.
            6. Grouping plants together will also provide more humid conditions as they respire and evaporate.
            7. If your calathea leaves show viral or bacterial spots on them your humidity may actually be too high. Try reducing it and keep an eye on the watering. This can also be a sign of unhealthy roots.

            How to Fertilize:

            1. Calatheas require a regular fertilizing schedule. BUT, they are susceptible to fertilizer burn.


              1. Apply a good quality fertilizer (linked in materials) monthly through Spring and summer at half dose. If you see burn marks on the plant leaves reduce fertilizer by half again.
              2. Decrease feedings by late Fall and allow your Network plant to rest through the winter months.
              3. Look for brown spots on the leaves of your plants. This may indicate an over concentration of salts in the roots from over feeding. It can burn the leaves.
              4. The remedy is to set the plant under a faucet of water and let the water run through for 10 minutes or so. Allow the pot to Completely drain. Discontinue fertilizer until the plant recovers.


              1. Optimal temperatures for Calathea plants are 65 degrees F. to 75 degrees F.
              2. Calatheas are sensitive to cold drafts from windows and doors.
              3. In winter, beware heat vents blowing on your plant leaves. Calatheas cannot tolerate uneven heating, or drying heat vents or drafts.


              1. Pruning and Training:

                1. Sharp sterile Hand pruners or sharp scissors are preferred for pruning. They will give a clean cut that will heal quickly.
                2. Pruning is usually done to shape the plant or cut off unsightly leaves.
                3. Calatheas grow wider rather than taller with time. The beauty star calathea grows to about 24 to 30 inches high.


                1. Pruning and Training:

                  1. Sharp sterile Hand pruners or sharp scissors are preferred for pruning. They will give a clean cut that will heal quickly.
                  2. Pruning is usually done to shape the plant or cut off unsightly leaves.
                  3. Calatheas grow wider rather than taller with time. The beauty star calathea grows to about 24 to 30 inches high.
                  4. This helps keep the stomata (leaf pores) open for plant respiration.
                  5. Healthy leaves with a good clean surface are most able to resist pests. Neem oil leaf shine and water is a good choice for leaf washing.
                  6. Dusty leaves will starve the plants of water exchange through humidity.
                  7. washing your plant leaves is also a great way to keep pests off the leaves.
                  8. And gives you an opportunity for early pest intervention since you are closely examining your plant.
                  9. Hand Wash the leaves monthly with water and neem oil.
                  10. You can also use a shower to clean off a calathea. Beware the water temperature. Keep it room temperature to avoid shocking the plant.
                  11. If you notice an occasional yellow leaf that droops and fall off the plant this is normal but keep an eye on it. Check for pests, watering issues and how your feeding your plant.
              1. Please do adequate research on the plant you are purchasing regarding climate, zones, watering, care and environment for optimal success before purchasing. This is a Starter Plant.



            1. All plants are individually wrapped when ready to be shipped via USPS priority mail. She should arrive within 5-7 depends how far she is from South Florida.

              Make sure you give her lots of water and allow her to acclimate to her new surroundings well. She may show some wilting due to transportation and/or weather conditions so please water and keep in partial shade for a week or so. Eventually you may put her in a nicer bigger pot but make sure you don’t damage her roots.

              .Please do research on plant type and care and when she can be put in ground and what height etc she needs to be and also if you bought a tropical plant many won’t survive cold winters if you don’t live in a tropical region. When you get her please do not leave in hot sun especially since she dries up quickly. Also don’t leave in cold as her leaves will be affected. Partial sun is best.

              USPS does not input tracking number quickly and usually does not show up till it reaches your distribution facility. Don’t panic if you don’t see it tracking … I recommend you go in and add your cel number so it can notify you once it’s hits your Distribution center though. When removing plant from box please use scissors or a sharp knife but don’t yank off tape as you may damage leaves or plant. 

              Don’t forget to follow me on my business social media pages, post card will be enclosed in box with plant with information as I constantly post new plants on sale and also gifts for Plant Lovers like yourself and others..

              Facebook- Earth&Paradise; Instagram- Earthandparadise .

              Lastly please add my  shop EarthandParadisee , as a ‘Favorite’ ❤️ so you can be notified when I add new plants, sales and promotions.

              Thanks, Shelley

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